Going Global

Saturday, November 05, 2005

California Dreamin'

Had an interesting journey to San Francisco. Poor Kev drove me in the early hours of the morning to the airport even though he had previously worked 12 hours straight the day before.

Checking in at Toronto Airport is an interesting experience. When you check in you had to carry your main luggage through customs yourself and then through additional security clearance in what must be one ofthe most regulated and controlled check in locations in the world. At every corner airport personal seem to be watching you as if the next threat to the very security of the US is expected to come from those 'pesky' Canadians!

On board the flight I found myself seated next to a rather large but friendly gentleman who reminded me of one of the funniest characters out of a comedy. If any of you have seen the film Planes, Trains and Automobiles this man was very much in the character of John Candy's character, although not as large! He was a ceramic tiles salesman (ok so not wash hooks but close!) and seemed to be doing a lot of travel with his job but was heading home for his wifes 50th birthday the next day.

Boarding the Chicago flight for San Francisco I found myself seated next to another interesting character. This guy was a computer games salesman/programmer and seemed to be doing my travel in one month than i have done in my entire life! What was great was he gave me a 'tour' of the main sights as we flew over them naming lakes, rivers, mountains and even buildings! It turns out that Silicon Valley is near San Francisco as well as Harvard both of which he pointed out!

Arriving into San Francisco I suddenly found something very different to all my previous destinations these last few weeks - IT WAS HOT! Yes I quickly proceeded to take out my flip-flops which had been straddled to my bag the last month or so and took off the lumbersom boots I have been trekking in.

San Francisco is a very friendly city with everyone willing to help out if your look lost. For once I had booked accomadation in advance so actually had an idea where to head to! However, in typical Will-like fashion I had lost the address so knew the name of the hotel but didn't know precisely where it was! So I wandered around the airport trying to ascertain where my hostel might be as I knew it was near Little Italy and Chinatown.

Before making my way downtown I knew I needed to find my way onto the BART system. Now I had images of turning up and finding pictures of America's first family (the Simpsons) on the train with Bart maybe saying 'do the Bart thing!' Instead I had a rather new sleek train arrive that proudly boosted itself as being the 'best MTS in the country'!

Arriving into metro station and jumping of BART (hehe) I found myself in the heart of the city. Although San Francisco is a liberal capital of the West Coast it still has a rather large business district which rises into the air overlooking the low rises ethnically diverse districts nearby.

So here I was, 2pm in the afternoon dragging myself in somewhat hot temperatures through Chinatown looking for a hostel I had actually bothered to book. Aside from the two bagels I had eaten in Toronto before my morning departure I hadn't eaten as was extremely tempted to stop for food. However, i needed to find the place to shower and drop of the bag so as I walked past the strip clubs and multicultural areas of the city I knew I must be near to my place as I tend to find myself, i sweat unintentially, being drawn to these lovely parts of town!

I think the classic sign is that Larry Fynt's strip joint, the one he is famous for, is directly opposite my hostel! As soon as you walk out the door you are confronted by this and signs such as 'guaranteed the NASTIEST videos and DVD's'!!!

The Green Tortoise Hotel was actually a rather good find. Its very welcoming and great value for money at $22 a night including breakfast and for the one night even a free Shephers Pie in the evening as well as the complimentary tea and coffee which is simply a must in my accomodation details!

I was informed that the walk along Columbus Avenue was a quint little walk so as soon as the towel had performed it duties I set off down the road in my sandles which I had been waiting to wear for weeks. Columbus Avenue cuts across many avenues and takes in some nice suburbs and interesting sights. As I walked down the long street I found myself progressing from ChinaTown into Little Italy which was interesting as one minute I was surrounded by Asians and the next by waist-strapped Italian looking boys with their girlfriends!

Eventually Columbus Avenue meets Fishermans Wharf which is historically one of the oldest parts of the city and used to serve the surrounding areas before the bridges where built. Walking around the area I couldn't help but feel like I was in Brighton or Blackpool! It has the feel of English towns except ten degrees hotter with a lot less fish and chips shops!

San Francisco I perhaps most famous for two very special things - the sheer number of hills and the cable cars that move up and down them. I can assure you that this reputation is wholeheartedly deserved! Unlike in New York walking in San Francisco over long distances is really not for the faint hearted. The hills just continue to climb and climb and the feeling of 'Oh God when do i get to the top' is made worse when one realises your destination is actually right at the top!


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