Going Global

Monday, October 24, 2005

The quest for tea on a Monday morning!

Well I woke up this morning feeling, well shit! I had a very large night out last night and this morning I didnt feel 100%. Now I know you may be thinking "oh he had a hangover blah blah blah" but all I really needed, no wanted, was a cup of the good stuff! Yep some good old fashion tea! Now many of you have probably been to Germany and know that tea is simply not something they make often, and if they do its not the same as in England or Australia.

So anyway I crawl out of my covers and head for the door. Passing all manner of stores selling anything and everything BUT tea along the way. Now Heidelberg apparently has the longest single street of shopping in Germany and believe me it goes on and on and on. So here I am walking down this street, like an addicted tea addict trying to find my fix! I must have gone into at least 5 or 6 stores to ask if they sold tea and if they did it sure wasnt the right kind of tea! So eventually i settled for apple juice and some pizza! Wow what a breakfast!

So yeah last night I arrived into Heidelberg and went out with Torgeir for just a few wee drinks. Now Torgeir is Norwegian which means that one thing he likes, no loves to do, is drink. So we drank, a lot! In fact my budget until Tuesday was blown in one nights drinking! Can`t remember exactly where we went, about three or four places I think. Eventually we were joined by Christina and Simon (President and Sec Gen of ELSA Germany) and had a really good night.

So today I am heading into the old quarter to walk around and see the city and shops. Might try and make my way to the castle which overlooks the city. Then meeting up with friends again and no doubt doing round two! Tomorrow I am heading to New York!



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