Going Global

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It takes a Willich

Waking up this morning in my palace, sorry I mean on my mattress, I sat in the dorm listening to the conversations in the room which I believe where in French, German and Spanish!

I had a lot of ground to cover today and started it of by walking down Broadway towards the south of Manhattan Island. The street was buzzing with people going about there business. Stalls along the sidewalk sold snacks and souvenirs to the crowds of people as they passed. Eventually I found my way to Ground Zero and stood looking at the site. It's hard to believe that here at this place two buildings once towered over New York, and indeed the world. I think its fair to say that everyone remembers where they were when the planes hit the buildings. I certainly remember sitting at home with my mum watching that plane fly into the South Tower live on TV. So here I was looking into this hole which is all that is left and it felt strangly weird. They have put up some signs and information boards which do a remarkable job at conveying the history of the place, the events that took place on that fateful day and the effects it has had on the American and indeed world psychy. As I stood there with hundreds of other people whilst life went on around me I wondered on how people must have felt that day and what it must have been like. All in all a very weird sensation.

Afterwards I continued walking towards the south of the island until I hit Stratten Ferry. I had been told this was a great way to get some photos of the Statue of Liberty without having to need to pay to go to the Island. Boarding the boat I went across to the Stratten Island on a packed ferry barely unable to move. It wasn't until the return trip that I was able to see the Statue properly and the City of New York in all its glory. Unfortunately the City was hit by the left-overs of Hurricane Wilma so the winds were enough to make my arse freeze cold and my fingers to turn blue!

Arriving back into the heart of Manhattan I decided to head towards the financial capital of the city and some would say the world - Wall Street. Now I always perceieved Wall Street as being an extremely long street South to North. Well in fact it is neither, it doesn't run a long way and goes east to west.

Infront of Wall Street is the New York Stock Exchange and its quite a building. Dressed in a HUGE flag of the US the building stands out and is really something to behold. Near to it on Wall Street is National Memorial which was where the first President of the United States was sworn in on the steps! Wall Street is a great street to sit and watch these busy men run around in suits much like in the business district of London.

Afterwards I decided I had down way to much walking for one day so paid the $2 fee and jumped on the subway to head for Time Square. Now I have to say the place is HUGE. Unlike Picadilly Circus it has massive electronic billboards at every corner of the square and further down. I never realised from films just how wide and long the street is.

After taking a few pictures and having a hot-dog at one of the stalls which spread out along every major New York artery I walked towards Grand Central Station which seems to appear as a location in every major picture filmed in this city. After getting a little lost I eventually found my way there and sat in the main hallway drinking a cup of the good stuff (thats tea!) watching people scutter around for there trains like little ants going about their business.

The Station also happens to be next to the Chrysler Building which at one time was the tallest building in the world. Around the corner whilst walking back towards Time Square I found by chance a very well known and often filmed landmark - New York Library! This building will be familiar to many people as its famous for being at the beginning of Ghostbusters where the team find an old female ghost who scares the pants out of them! It was also recently in The Day After Tomorrow. The room I am writing this blog in is so gorgeous. I keep having to pinch myself to make sure I am here and not just dreaming it!

Afterwards I headed for Time Square again to see what it is like. Its even more gorgeous at night when the whole place is lit up like a beacon. Having not been to the pictures for a month I found myself craving for a movie. Like a man on a quest I managed to find a cinema (2 actually on opposite sides of the road!) with something like 30 screens. I had two choices, either watch a quality thinking film or an action flick. So I thought about it and watched DOOM!!!! All in all a surprisingly good film if all you want is violence and action.

So my first full day in New York was a lot of fun and action packed and I ended up the day totally exhausted. Roll on tomorrow is all I can say!


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