Going Global

Monday, October 24, 2005

The state of affairs in Nepal

Reading the news these past few days I have become increasingly worried and concerned about the state of affairs in Nepal. Nepal is a country which is very close to my heart. It was the first place I lived abroad, the first time I had ever travelled outside Europe and most importantly the first time I had lived and travelled on my own. Nepali's are some of the most welcoming and caring people I have ever met despite the fact that they live in one of the worlds poorest countries.

Over the last few weeks the King has declared martial law, shut down the media, imprisoned opposition and continued to ensure Parliament is dissolved (he did this earlier in the year!). He claims this is to stop the Maoists, which I is probably partly true, but this is only making matters worse. From what I can tell this is adding fuel to the fire of the Maoists and I think in the long term will only make matters worse.

Unfortunately these events have led to the Government stating that all non essential travel to Nepal is advised against. Which leaves my plans in trouble as I was intending to go there for two months in April with mates to trek, raft and go on safari.

I have to hope things improve in the meantime


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