Going Global

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Welcome to the world of Canadian immigration - Can we please ask a million questions!

Leaving JFK on Friday night I arrived late into Toronto Pearson airport. The last time I had come to Canada I remembered somewhat vividly being pretty muh strip searched and interrogated! OK now I appreciate at that time I was arriving into Ottawa which pretty much no one goes to but still I remember the 'warm welcome' well!

Anyway this time around it wasn't a strip search, rather it was the Spanish inquistion! Here are a few of the questions Will was asked on arrival -

'Who are you?' (hello try reading my passport!)
'Who have you come to see? What is his name? Where does he live? Who long has he been in the country? Why are you coming just to see him? What is his job?' (as you can imagine I didn't/couldn't answer all these questions!)
'Why are you travelling around the world' (for the fun of it I said!'

And my all time favourite -
'What do you do back home?' The girl, I will give her her due, knew what a solicitor did and said 'so I don't need to ask if you have a criminal record then!' No kidding Sherlock!

So walking out onto the arrivals area I was met by none other than Mr Smith, an old fiend of mine from Australia. I haven't seen Kev in two years so one of the first things we decided to do was go out for a beer to meet his mates.

Now this time of the year is Halloween time. Now back home (and in Oz) Halloween isn't really much of an occasion but here in the US and Canada its insane. EVERYONE goes out and goes well over the top of costumes and stuff. So in the pub we were some of the only people not dressed up which felt very weird!


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