Going Global

Saturday, October 22, 2005

I leave tomorrow

Well I am preparing for New York, but finding accomodation to be extremely expensive even for a dorm! Chuffed I am staying only two days as I couldn't afford anymore!

Just cooked another mean mean Indian spicy curry for Christoph and his flatmate Bianca and I have to confess it was DAMN spicy! It left my breath on fire and we couldn't help but comment that we thought we were both going to breath fire! Needless to say next time I shall be more mild on the curry powder!!!

Also found out today that Nepal really is becomming a dangerous place to visit so I am having to reconsider my plans. I really want to go back there for two months, with all my heart and soul, but all non-essential travel there is advised against. The King has desolved Parliament, declared martial law and shut down the media to all intents and purposes. This is not the country I remember so fondly. So any suggestions would be appreciated on what I should do instead. Thinking of maybe spending more time in India and then heading to China and taking the overland route.

Tomorrow I leave for Heidelberg and then on Tuesday for New York. Really looking forward to seeing Torgeir and Christina in Heidelberg but will be sad to leave Christoph as his been very cool. We went out last night but I have essentially relaxed and had a laugh these last few days which has been good fun. We watched hours of Futurama and I must say I think its as good if not better than the Simpsons.

Well back to the TV and beer. Laters



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