Going Global

Friday, February 03, 2006

Illness and Cathay Pacific

It's time to get ill!
As I made my way to the airport in Manila I began to feel a little bit quesy. I have been blessed to have a body which gives me notice of an impending doom, so whenever I know I am about to get ill i tend to get a few hours warning. Well this was a warning sign loud and clear but I was in a rather difficult position to be able to do anything about it.

The thing is I have been long overdue for an illness so it was about time that I was hit by a bug of some sort. When your travelling you have to expect to get ill every now and your often eating in different places and sometimes foods you have never eaten before.

Cathay Pacific Troubles
I have always found the quality of the inflight service with Cathay Pacific to be superb, with very friendly and welcoming staff. However, the recent difficulties with my luggage being lost has exposed very poor service and customer care in this particular area. I had been told before hand that I would be able to reclaim my cloths purchases but upon arrival I found out this was not the case. Rather I would only be able to claw back 50% of the value regardless of other costs. This amounted to little more than $50 which was miniscule compared to nearly $500 compensation offered by KLM and $400 by AA. The ground staff are equally frustrated with this rate so I intend to take the matter further!


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