Going Global

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Philippines

Landing into Manila not altogether there
Landing into Manila I found myself in a rather unusual situation. For me I have been surprisingly unprepared for this trip. I have had little idea where I was going, what I was doing or whether there was even anything to do for that matter!!!!

As soon as I landed I was hit by my biggest problem - no luggage. My bags had decided that when they left Bangkok it would be easier for them to go to London rather than with me to Manila, so I did not have my main luggage. This would go on to be a major problem during the next few days.

The city is without a doubt unique. Traffic crawls through the central city streets and you wonder whether you are ever going to get anywhere! Riding in the back of the taxi I was on edge as the taxi driver edged past jeepneys, lorry's and all manner of vehicles bigger and hence more dangerous than our small little car!

South American feel
The Philippines is without a doubt one of the most unusual Asian countries I have ever been to. The country has a distinctly South American feel to it. Many street names are in Spanish, the langugage has many Spanish words incorporated into it and the population are overwhelmingly Catholic. In many ways I imagine its what like being in a South American country must be like. Given that the country was ruled for over 350 years by the Spanish this is not that surprising.

One of the other things I noticed as soon as I arrived was the difference in religion and attitude. Unlike the rest of Asia the Philippines is an intensely Christian country. About 90% of the population are Catholic, many of them attending Church regularly. This religious feel is evident throughout the country, especially seen through the wide range of Churches, Cathedrals and modern evangelical churches which seem to be found on every corner.

You find a rather unique vehicle patrolling the roads of the Philippines which looks like a cross between a jeep and a truck. Called the 'Jeepneys' they can be found throughout the roads on the Philippines. Every Jeepney is different in looks, with a vast array of them painted in different colours with a range of emblems. As the Philippino's are a deeply religious people many of them are painted with Christian imaginery and religious sayings.


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