Going Global

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Will in Chang Mai

The Route to Chiang Mai
The city of Chiang Mai is located in the north of Thailand and is considered the second largest city. It's an ancient city with a long and prosperous history with many important monuments and Wat's. It's also strategically well placed near-by the mountains and main trekking routes of Thailand so attracts many backpackers and travellers who want to experience 'the real Thailand', whatever that is.

Normally the overnight train would have been the most convenient and easiest way to Chiang Mai as its a 12 hour or so journey. Unfortunately the train was fully booked so I opted for the cheaper bus alternative. Walking into one of the tourist operators in the heart of Khoa San Road I was informed by a middle aged Thai women smiling at me that 'this bus sir is very goood, VIP bus'. Now whenever a Thai lady smiles at me and promises me something I get worried as it often signals a very big fall. Wearily I asked 'does it have air-con and will i be able to sleep?'. 'Yes, yes of course sir' she responded. I would soon regret asking those two questions!

The bus was meant to be 'VIP' and 'air-con'. Now it was air-con I admit, but what it lacked was 'suspension', so I spent most that time in the air along with the other passengers and found sleeping to be all but impossible! The bus driver didn't speak a word of English and drove like a manic which made the bumps in the road all the more painful. Now in India or Nepal I would expect this and it wouldn't surprise me at all but on a main road artery I found the trip very painful indeed! I am seriously considering buying the strongest sleeping pills for the next trip to knock me out as well as a cushion!!!

Chiang Mai
Chang Mai is a very different city to Bangkok. The central Old City is surrounded by a wall, or at least parts of it that remain, and a canal which circles the city. Unusually new development has taken place outside the Old City which means its actually a very quiet and relaxing place to be.

Wat Chiang Man
Due to the cities long history and strong culture it has an immense number of Wat's which dates back many hundreds of years. One of the oldest and most prestigious Wat's is Wat Chiang Man which contains two ancient Buddha images in one of the Wat's. One is a tiny crystal Buddha which is nearly two thousand years old. The other is a stone Buddha and is from Ceylon or India and dates back over 2,500 years! It is supposed to have been made after the death of the Buddha and contains his relics. Both are considered extremely sacred and are paraded through the streets of the city and drenched in water during the Songkran Festival in April at the end of the dry season to bring rain.

The Wat is very quiet with monks in orange robes going about there business. There is something very special about Buddhist Wat's and temples. I find them very thoughful and peaceful places where you can reflect on whats happening in your life. The smaller Wat contains some of the most elaborate and beautifully drawn pictorial histories I have ever seen recounting the Buddha's experience as you walk around the Wat

Lying all around the Wat are dogs which laze around peacefully sleeping and enjoying the sunshine. Unlike dogs elsewhere these animals are well looked after by the monks and lead a pretty good quality of life compared to most other animals in the country.

Wat Phra Singh
Located on the other side of the city Wat Phra Singh (Temple of the Lion Buddha) is the cities largest and perhaps most important Wat. The architecture is especially gorgeous here with the Wat's rising high into the air majecitcally. The main Wat contains a huge Buddha statue with many smaller statues in front of it. On the side of the Wat's inside walls are historical photos which add depth in understanding the age and importance of the place.

Cooking In Chiang Mai
One of the things I have promised to do since arriving into Thailand is to take a Thai cooking course. So I have one for tomorrow and will be taught how to cook five different meals throughout the day!!!! Yeah it is shocking that I might actually learn how to cook at least!!!!


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