Going Global

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sydney Protests

One of the interesting things about travelling is the things you find out about that you really alt to know but for one reason or another have gone un-aware to you. At the moment one such thing which is taking place is the new Australian Terror Laws and Work Restrictions.

Esssentially what is happening is the Liberal, sorry I mean Conservative, Government of John Howard is introducing, or trying to introduce, legislation to weaken the power of the unions and limit their ability to defend their members interests. Consequentally today saw some of the largest marches in Australian history in all the capitaln cities and outlying regions.

Some 50,000 people marched in the centre of the city to voice their discontent with the proposals. Interestingly enough the state governments, who all happent to be Labour, oppose the work restriction legislation but seem rather powerless to do anything. Essentually, as the Liberals control the Senate and Hosue in the Federal Government they can steam roll whatever they want provided they don't have a discontent within their own party. Given the remote likelihood that this will happen I do not see much hope for the protestors.

Whilst taking a break for lunch I met a few of the protestors, predominately uni students, where I was eating and they invited me to sit with them. It was an interesting experience as they were a rather eclectic mixture of people. Megan, a rather opinionated red haired girl seemed determined to question everything about me, even my own political views and those of the party I tend to support in the UK. The others, Simon, Jess and Rebecca where a lot more laid back, all being students, and quite happy to exchange ideas and opinions. Given the fact that they need all the support they can get I was a little surprised about the attitude of some of the people. However, looking at them I realised they had been somewhat agitated and worked up for the days protest so it was understandable that they were in a rather confrontational mood.


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