Bombings in Varanasi
With dozens of different languages, a complex mix of languages and huge spacial distances India has always been a difficult and in many ways conflicting country. Occasionally these differences spiral over into religious conflict and when they do the conflicts tend to be bloody and disturbing.
Last night bombs went off in the Hindu religious capital of Varanasi killing 25 people in temples and at the main central train station. Having been to the city 8 years ago I was particuarly disturbed as its a vibrant place and one of the few places I intended to try to visit again on this trip.
It's still not clear who placed the bombs but given the religious significance of the city and temples to Hinduism its likely to be Muslim extremists. Whilst 99.99% of the large Muslim population in India are peace abiding and adhore these acts it could provide a spark which may ignite conflict between the two religious groups in the country. The Government is calling for peace and calm but with all sights and religious buildings throughou the country on a high state of alert I can't help but feel that this might be the 'calm before the storm'. I hope and prayer that I am wrong.
It does seem like that trouble seems to be following me given the problems in the Philippines, Sri Lanka and now India. With Nepal next on the list I hope things don't spiral out of control there either.
maybe you're a war god xD
(cf hhgtg truck rain god driver)
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